Referat - What is a Genius

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Genius, in Roman mythology, a protecting, or guardian, spirit. It was believed that every individual, family, and city had its own genius. The genius rec eived special worship as a household god because it was thought to bestow success and intellectual powers on its devotees. For this reason, the word came to designate a person with unusual intellectual powers. The genius of a woman was sometimes referred to as a juno. In art, the genius of a person was frequently depicted as a winged youth; the genius of a place, as a serpent.

So a genius is a very smart person who born at few centuries . I can get examples from all the world : Albert Einstein in Physics , Thomas Edison – a genius of inventions , Michelangelo in Arts , Mihai Eminescu in Romanian Lyrics , Iulia Hasdeu , George Enesco , … ( and the list goes on …) .

Further on , I studied their carrer and I have informations about them :

1 . Thomas Edison
American Thomas Alva Edison patented more than 1000 inventions in his lifetime, including the elec tric lightbulb –a well known symbol for a bright idea , the phonograph, and a transmitter that made Alexander Bell’s telephone a usable instrument on a wide scale.

Thomas Alva Edison did not invent the modern world. He was, however, present at its creation. Having come of age just after the mid-19th century—1997 marked the 150th anniversary of his birth—he became a significant figure in the organization and growth of American national markets, communications and power systems, and entertainment industries.

2 . Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is considered one of the greatest and most popular scientists of all time. Three papers he published in 1905 were pivotal in the development of physics and, to a large degree, Western thought. These papers discussed the quantum nature of light, provided a description of molecular motion -cosmology, and introduced the special theory of relativity. Einstein wa

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