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The Tower of London

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 560 afisari 362 descarcari

Reconstructed view of the Tower of London from the south west on the completion of the new defences in about 1200. The Tower of London has been the setting for many great events during its 90 ...VEZI REFERAT

The Vikings

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 440 afisari 238 descarcari

The Vikings The Norsemen lived in today’s Denmark, Norway and Sweden. They were farmers, fishermen and traders. Norsemen who sailed were called Vikings, the most magnificent seamen the world has eve ...VEZI REFERAT


acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 407 afisari 264 descarcari

Venice (Italian Venezia), city and seaport in north-east Italy, in Veneto Region, capital of Venice Province. Venice is situated on 120 islands formed by 177 canals in the lagoon between the mo ...VEZI REFERAT


acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 709 afisari 349 descarcari

WALES A. INTRODUCTION Wales, country and principality, part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, united politically, legally, and administratively with England, and occupy ...VEZI REFERAT

Comportarea genelor. Echilibrul Hardy-Weinberg

acum 15 ani Categorie: Biologie 2141 afisari 528 descarcari

Comportarea genelor. Echilibrul Hardy-Weinberg Experimentele desfasurate de W. Johannsen cu specii pure ale Phaseolus vulgaris au permis distinctia între genotipul si efectele mediului înconjurator as ...VEZI REFERAT

Christmas traditions

acum 15 ani Categorie: Engleza 3689 afisari 870 descarcari

Christmas traditions Christmas From old English Cristes maesse (Christ's Mass), older still, Yule, from the Germanic root geol. In some languages: English: Christmas, Yule, Noel German: Weihnachten ...VEZI REFERAT


acum 15 ani Categorie: Engleza 1722 afisari 675 descarcari

Dubrovnik DUBROVNIK, a town, port and tourist centre of the southern Croatian coast; population 49,278. It lies at the foot of the limestone Srd Mount (412 m), in a valley enclosed to the south-wes ...VEZI REFERAT

Elizabeth I and the Elizabethan Period: a Brief Introduction

acum 15 ani Categorie: Engleza 1816 afisari 768 descarcari

Elizabeth I and the Elizabethan Period: a Brief Introduction Elizabeth I was 25 years old when she became Queen of England in 1558. Her 45-year reign, which ended with her death in 1603, saw England ...VEZI REFERAT


acum 15 ani Categorie: Engleza 6858 afisari 1307 descarcari

HAMLET Hamlet is arguably the greatest dramatic character ever created. From the moment we meet the crestfallen prince we are enraptured by his elegant intensity. Shrouded in his inky cloak, Hamlet i ...VEZI REFERAT


acum 15 ani Categorie: Engleza 1856 afisari 694 descarcari

IRLAND Official name: Irland Republic The capital: Dublin Surface: 70285 km Population: 3797000 inhabitants. Geographic position: North-Veast of Europe. National holiday: 17 march (Sf. Patrick). Coin ...VEZI REFERAT

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