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Charles Dickens

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 432 afisari 286 descarcari

Charles Dickens ( 1812 – 1870),  Life Dickens was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, to John Dickens (1786–1851), a naval pay clerk, and his wife Elizabeth Dickens née Barrow (1789–1863). When he wa ...VEZI REFERAT

Charles Dickens - Bleak House

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 520 afisari 367 descarcari

CHARLES DICKENS - BLEAK HOUSE Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers of the XIXth in England. He wrote several novels, such as: Oliver Twist, Dombey and Son, David Copperfield, Bleak House, e ...VEZI REFERAT

Verificarea legilor gazului ideal

acum 5 ani Categorie: Fizica 406 afisari 317 descarcari

Verificarea legilor gazului ideal I. TEORIA LUCRARII 1.Transformarea izoterma: este cunoscuta shi sub numele de legaea Boyle-Mariotte este transformarea in care cantitatea de substanta si tempera ...VEZI REFERAT

Eugenie Grandet - Balzac

acum 5 ani Categorie: Romana 1354 afisari 318 descarcari

Eugenie Grandet Balzac “Eugenie Grandet este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute romane ale lui Balzac. A fost publicat in 1833 si ilustreaza viata unei familii din franta de la mijlocul secolului al ...VEZI REFERAT

English Grammar

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 446 afisari 212 descarcari

PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE USES: for regular ,costumory,habitual action: -adv.:always,every day (night,week) I always have diner at 7. 2.for momentary actions – developing – certains v ...VEZI REFERAT


acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 503 afisari 376 descarcari

Graffiti GROUND WORK 1966-71 Graffiti was used primarily by political activists to make statements and street gangs to mark territory. It wasn't till the late 1960s that writing's current iden ...VEZI REFERAT

Northern Ireland

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 411 afisari 303 descarcari

(A) The Roots of Trouble in History 1. Survey of Anglo-Irish relations from the Middle Ages to 1923 Ireland (all or part of it, at various times) was a colony of the English from the 12th ...VEZI REFERAT

Primary Education

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 392 afisari 244 descarcari

Pro-primary and Primary Education. In some areas of England there are nursery schools for children under 5 years of age. Some children between two and five receive education in nursery classes or i ...VEZI REFERAT

Proba scrisa la Limba Engleza

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 643 afisari 417 descarcari

PROBA SCRISA LA LIMBA ENGLEZA SUBJECT 1 a. Read the following text and write the questions to which the underlined words in the text are the answers. Paris, the capital of France, is a shopper’s ...VEZI REFERAT

The Judgement Day

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 572 afisari 365 descarcari

THE JUDGEMENT DAY September 11th 2001 The day of September 11th 2001 will remain as a dark day in history. All people know about this day and what happened at this date. On this day, the terrorism ...VEZI REFERAT

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